Jelly Fish Salad Recipe (Gỏi Sứa)

Enjoy last days of summer with one of stunning Vietnamese Salad Recipes. It is called Jelly Fish Salad (Gỏi Sứa). Trust me; you will totally fall in love with this food. Only one important step is cleaning jelly fish. 

Jelly Fish Salad (Gỏi Sứa)
You should be careful in this step if you do not want get itching in your throat. Including green mango, this food will create the flavor with a little crunchy, sour and sweet flow from your tongue to your throat and final destination is stomach. So, are you interested with one of amazing Vietnamese Salad Recipes like this one? I cannot control my drool when describing this food to you guys. And now let us start cooking if you feel free, ok?

300g fresh jelly fish
Chicken meat
Green mango, cleaned and peeled
Onion, basil leaves; coriander
Roasted peanut, smashed
Deep fried glutinous rice with powdered shrimp (bánh phồng tôm)
Chili, pepper, vinegar, sugar, spices …


Step 1: The first important step to create one of stunning Vietnamese Salad Recipes is cleaning jelly fish. Clean well its slimy skin, soak into alum water in few hours; next use your hands to press out all water. Then slice small and soak in hot water in few minutes and pour them out on basket.

Step 2: Boil chicken until it is cooked, tear small
Step 3: Slice green mango into long and thin pieces. Peel off the cover of onion, slice fiber. Clean and slice basil leaves small.
Step 4: Making dipping sauce: Mix sugar + salt + pepper + vinegar + fish sauce + sliced chili, stir well and text again to suit your flavor. This sauce is required with a little sweet and sour.
Now, you finished basic steps from one of interesting Vietnamese Salad Recipes. For presentation, Mix jelly fish with chicken meat, onion, green mango, basil leaves and coriander together. Add more roasted peanut on top. When eating, pour more sauce in step 4 and serve with deep fried glutinous rice cakes. That is also my favorite way to enjoy it. Hope you will satisfy with this instruction and good luck for your Cooking.
